“And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to everyone according to his work.” - Revelation 22:12
Kempton New Church

Worship Services:

Service Times:

Services are at 10:00 a.m. We also have a special service for young children on the second Sunday of the month at 9:00 a.m., and an occasional evening service at 7:00 p.m. See the calendar for each month's schedule of services.

Online Viewing:

Most services are “live streamed”. You can watch the service in progress or view past services in our archives. Audio is also available for some services.

Service Description:

Worship services include readings from the Bible and from the Heavenly Doctrine, some hymns, a talk and a prayer.

Before the service, we have a time of quiet meditation and private prayer.

Hymns are not usually announced by the priest. You can find the page number on the board at the front of the church. The red hymnbooks have five sections: Services, Holy Supper, Recitations, Hymns and Anthems.

Recitations are usually read by everyone in unison.

Sunday School: If you see Sunday School on the board, after the blessing for the children, the children up through sixth grade all go out of the church to the classrooms where an adult will be on duty to do a project or lead a discussion of the story. A sign on the bulletin board in the school hallway points to the classrooms for each age group. There are also adults and young helpers on duty to care for infants and little children in the nursery. Parents are welcome to stay with their children during Sunday School, especially if a child is new or shy.

Holy Supper is offered about every six to eight weeks. Adults come forward to the rail around the chancel to receive the bread and the wine.

After the service, you are welcome to visit, have a cup of coffee and hear announcements in the room next to the church.