“And the Spirit and the bride say, 'Come!' And let him who hears say, 'Come!' And let him who thirsts come. And whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” - Revelation 22:17
Kempton New Church

Study Group Readings:

The Land of Canaan (2025):

This study of the inheritances of the 12 tribes of Israel focuses on the spiritual meaning of the Holy Land that can lead us to heaven.

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The Memorable Relations (2024):

Studying the Memorable Relations can help make the spiritual world seem more real than ever before!

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The Ten Commandments (2023):

Studying the Ten Commandments helps us “follow the Lamb wherever He goes” (Rev. 14:2), so that our works may be truly good, for ourselves, for others, and for the Lord's kingdom.

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Parables (2022):

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. We will think about why the Lord teaches in parables, to protect us and help us. We will study parables about the life cycle of a church, judgment, the kingdom of heaven, forgiveness, and love toward the neighbor.

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The Psalms (2021):

The Book of Psalms is one of the most beloved books of the Word. Come and see some of the treasures hidden in the spiritual sense of this wonderful book.

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Luke Easter Stories (2020):

Read the stories leading up to and including Easter, beginning just a little before Palm Sunday, as told in the Gospel of Luke. Passages from the Heavenly Doctrine that refer or relate to these stories are interwoven to help get a glimpse of the spiritual sense.

“And beginning with Moses, and from all the Prophets, He interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself.” (Luke 24:27)

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All Uses Are Church Uses (2019):

This study topic is Uses, with the theme that all uses are church uses, in the sense that all uses are our response to the Lord’s leading. We will read about the highest uses, being the uses of marriage and of raising children; uses in service to society in various occupations; uses of business of all kinds; and uses after death.

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The Lord’s Prayer (2018):

The Lord’s Prayer is applicable to every aspect of life. Let’s open our minds toward heaven as we think about this Prayer.

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Worship (2017):

God is a Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24). What does the Lord teach us about worship services? How do they correspond to the life of charity, which is real worship? Come and see!

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Five Laws of Divine Providence (2016):

One of the wonderful things the Lord has made known to us at His Second Coming is that there are laws according to which He governs and sustains the universe and guides us to heaven if we are willing. The Lord does not act arbitrarily but proceeds according to laws of order which are intrinsic to His Divine Love and Wisdom. And now the Lord has revealed five laws, so that we can understand the basics of how He operates and why. In this way, we can have a strong faith that His Providence is truly ruling all things, providing all things, and leading us to a good end (see AC 8455). The Lord gives us a clearer picture of who He is and what He cares about. This in turn shows us how we can treat each other, acting in His image and likeness.

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Stories of Daniel  (Overcoming Love of Dominion)  (2015):

This series covers the first six chapters of Daniel. This includes great stories such as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego’s courage in the face of the burning, fiery furnace, the handwriting on the wall, and Daniel in the lion’s den. In general, the topic is overcoming the love of dominion, represented by Babylon and its king, Nebuchadnezzar. We overcome this lust by the power of the Word, represented by the prophet Daniel.

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Classes of the Neighbor (2014):

This series of readings explores the six classes of the neighbor: the hungry, the thirsty... etc. They show us all the kinds of neighbor and how we should practice charity in different ways toward different people.

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Miracles (2013):

This series of readings delves into the spiritual meanings of miracles the Lord performed on earth as described in the Gospels.

The word “miracle” means something wonderful. Everything the Lord does is a miracle in that sense. He is doing miracles for us every day. Reading about some of the miracles He did while on earth may help us see and be grateful for some of the wonderful things He is doing for us.

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Growing Up (2012):

This series of readings looks at the different stages of growth from a spiritual point of view.

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The Days of Creation and the Steps of Repentance (2011):

This series of readings compares the days of creation in the first chapter of Genesis to the steps of repentance.

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The Ten Commandments (2010):

This series has been updated for 2023. It now includes audio recordings of the readings.

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